2020 Bond and MLO Information

In November of 2020, our community approved two measures that will ensure the evolution of the Weld RE-5J School District. The 2020 Bond and Mill Levy Override (MLO) will fund a variety of projects that provide innovative learning experiences for all students while enhancing our educator recuritment and rention efforts, modernizing our facilities and equipment, and investing in the social, emotional, and mental health of all of our stakeholders. Visit the "School Project" section to see updates on specific building related updates.

Update: Our Bond Issue Results in $30 Million Premium and Lower Interest Rate Than Anticipated

Due to excellent preparation by the Weld RE-5J leadership team including Chief Financial Officer, Michael Everest, Weld RE-5J School District’s bond issue on January 20th, 2021 exceeded all expectations. 23 unique investors put in over $300 million in orders for the district's $124.4 million in bonds for sale that day. This significant demand generated a premium of more than $30 million for the District Project Fund which will enable second and third phases to lift all Weld RE-5J schools. The bond premium is the amount investors pay over the face value of the bonds and does not have to be paid back. In addition, the district's all-in interest rate was 2.32%, which is lower than expected. As a result, the district will be paying back less than anticipated while receiving more than projected. Funds will be available on February 2, 2021.

Social, Emotional, and Mental Health

We are prioritizing the health and wellness of our learners, educators, and support staff.

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Facilities Enhancement

We are updating our facilities to enhance learning and account for our unprecedented growth.

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Educator Development and Support

We are committed to to developing, recruiting, and retaining the best talent in Colorado.

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Safety and Security

We are ensuring that all of our facilities and equipment are safe, secure, and ready for learning.

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Career and Technical Education (CTE)

We are investing in the future of our students and community through robust Career and Technical Education (CTE) offerings.

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School Project Updates

We are updating our schools for innovation in the 21st Century thanks to our community.

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Citizen's Committee Document Library