Your Library Team

Hello Tanglewood Family! I am thrilled to serve as the librarian at TMS. 

 Before I became a school librarian I was an English teacher and a Computer Literacy Teacher. I have degrees from Penn State, Converse College and USC and over 29 years of teaching experience. 

When I am not working I enjoy  reading, spending time outdoors, and being with friends and family. 

I am grateful to have worked as the TMS Media Clerk for the past six years. I love our students and look forward to serving you!  Please come visit me in the media center, and let me know how I can help you. I really enjoy reading! My favorite genres are YA Sci-Fi and Fantasy, and I will do my best to help you find books that you will enjoy too. 

Our Favorite Things to Read

Ms. Taz loves to read magazines and non-fiction motivational books. Her favorite recent reads are  Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley and Amari and The Night Brothers by B.B. Alston. Here are a few of her all time favorite books:

Mrs Towe loves to read fantasy, science fiction and dystopian novels. Her most recent favorite reads are The Legend of Drizzt books. She enjoys so many books that this was hard. Below is a list of some of her favorite books that we have at TMS. She even had to put them alphabetically so she didn't have to choose one above the other.