Course Registration


Due to the current school closure, IGP's (Individual Graduation Plans) are now being completed virtually. Please access the step by step directions for completing your IGP here. If you are experiencing issues with IGP completion you may contact your School Counselor via email. Counselor contact information can be found on the link to IGP directions above or under the "Counseling Staff" tab of this website.

Early Dismissal & Late Arrival

Only Seniors may apply for Early Dismissal/Late Arrival. Final approval will be given by administration. Even with approval of Early Dismissal/Late Arrival, students must be enrolled in a minimum of 4 courses during the school day.

Forms are available to print here and need to be submitted to the Counseling Department. Contact your School Counselor for assistance.

Course Requests & Teacher Recommendations

Course requests for Elective Courses will be completed by students during their IGP meetings with their School Counselor.

Teachers will enter course recommendations to determine student placement in Core Courses (English, Math, Science, Social Studies).

Parent Override Request

If a parent is unhappy with course recommendations for their student, they may contact the Counseling Department to schedule a meeting with their student's School Counselor and Administrator to dispute the recommendation.

Contact your School Counselor to request a Parent Override.