Vision and Mission

In collaboration with our School Counseling Advisory Committee, we have developed the following for Sara Collins Elementary School:

School Counseling Mission Statement:

The mission of the school counseling program at Sara Collins Elementary School is to collaborate with all students, teachers, parents, administration, and the community in order to support every student's achievement through their development in the academic, personal/social, and career domains.

School Counseling Vision Statement:

The comprehensive school counseling program at Sara Collins Elementary will empower students to become caring, well-balanced, communicators who demonstrate tolerance to help create a more peaceful world in the 21st century.

School Counseling Belief Statements:

School Counselors at Sara Collins Elementary believe:

  • All students can achieve, learn, and succeed. We believe that all students can grow to become independent, empathetic and caring community members.
  • Student developmental needs are best met by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program that develops the individual student, is proactive, and creates equitable access to the rigorous IB curriculum.
  • School Counselors must be good listeners, embrace all students as individuals, and provide access to school and community resources.
  • In order to implement a comprehensive school counseling program, we need to involve all stakeholders in the school community.
  • Data should be gathered to determine the needs and goals of the school counseling program and keep it relevant.
  • In order to protect the students and provide confidentiality, we must follow all guiding standards and laws, including the ASCA Ethical Standards for school counselors.

School Mission Statement:

We provide educational experiences, in cooperation with the home and community, that prepare students for lifelong learning and for ethical, productive participation in a democratic society and the global community.