Student Resources

Communication is very important.

You may need to tell someone to change a behavior nicely.

One way is to use the "I Message"!

The "I Message" says

I feel _______________

When you ______________

I want you to please _____________!

It is hard to solve problems when you are angry!

Try to calm down by taking some deep breaths,

counting, and telling yourself to calm down!

Talking about what makes you angry also helps!

Handling our conflicts in a calm manner

without using violence, we tend to solve our

problems and not make them worse!

Kelso's Choices:

Go to another game

Share and take turns

Talk it out

Walk away

Ignore it

Ask them to stop


Make a deal

Wait and cool off

It is also a good idea to practice impulse control!

Remember to slow down, stop, and think.

What might happen if...?

This can help you think about the consequences

of your behavior!

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