Career Awareness Resources


Career awareness lessons are an important part of our curriculum at the elementary level. It's never too early to begin thinking about the job that's right for you. School counselors help students identify career clusters that match their strengths and interests. 

Here is important information about career education in the school setting: The Education and Economic Development Act(EEDA) of 2005 contains legislation designed to give South Carolina students the education tools they need to build prosperous, successful futures. It's trademark, "Pathways to Success," promotes career awareness and exploration beginning in elementary school. 

In the 8th grade, students work with parents and counselors to create Individual Graduation Plans (IGPs) that reconcile their academic and post-graduation goals. IGPs are adjusted annually to allow for a student’s continued academic growth and career exploration through high school. The SCOIS site is a web-based career awareness program that introduces students to the concept of career clusters and will help them explore careers and the connection of school to work. 

At Sara Collins, the counselors and teachers deliver career lessons throughout the year in a variety of ways. We utilize guest speakers, videos, games, puppets, dress-up, art activities, team-building exercises, and inventories to show students the importance of early career exploration. We are committed to creating a South Carolina G+ graduate!