Parent Resources

Articles of interest:

Steven Tobias, Psy.D

Director of the Center for Child & Family Development

Dealing with Stress and Anxiety in these Uncertain Times

Blaise Aguirre, MD

Medical Director at McLean Hospital

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry/Harvard Medical School

Dealing with Emotional Stress of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic

Sara Collins encourages parents to get involved and ask questions. Our students come to school modeling behaviors that they learn at home! Please help us teach our students how to control their anger and solve conflicts peacefully.

School Tips:

Prepare for school the night before to avoid the morning rush.

Establish a homework routine and a study place.

Call the school or use the school website for information.

Provide appropriate school supplies and help your child stay organized.

Remember to sign and return important papers.

Praise your children for small and large successes!

How To Handle Bullying Behaviors?

When students misbehave or bully other students in school, everyone suffers! These types of discipline problems hurt teaching and learning.

Parents can help by reviewing school rules at home and encourage them to discuss any problems they may encounter at school. Communication is important to all. If your child is experiencing any problems with another student, it needs to be addressed quickly. Sometimes, students who may bully another student may have personal issues that require open discussion to create empathy and essentially tolerance.

Please call us if we can privately mediate any problems!