AM: Jazz Performance

                 Jazz Performance Syllabus


Steve Watson (Jazz Teacher)

Room: 220

Phone: 864.355.2570


Class Times: 9:15a.m.-11:05a.m. 

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the musicaL literature of Modern Jazz (1925-1980) The ability to play jazz in a combo setting with other musicians, using the information learned in the theory class, is the most important aspect of this course

Course Goal and Outcome:

The students will learn to play melody, harmony and improvise from the music of The Great American Songbook, Blues, Bossa Nova, and Samba. The outcomes will be measured with in class playing tests and public recitals at The Fine Arts Center.

Required Materials: 

All Students must have a 3-ring 1.5 inch binder. Music paper and course materials assigned must be stored in the binder.. I Real Pro App and a metronome App are required on your phone. Semester 2 The Amazing Slowdowner App is required on your phone.

Course Requirements 


A. Attendance and Tardy Policy: 


Regular attendance is critical to academic success.  Students must be present at least half of the class period to be counted present.  Students who are absent from class more than 5 days for a semester class or  10 days for a year-long class will not receive credit for the course.  Absences excused by a doctor, court, or school administrator, which are excused, are the only exception.   If a student does not attend at least half of a class, the student will be counted absent (not tardy) for that class period. Please see Student Handbook for a list of lawful and unlawful absences. 

The following is the FAC Tardy Policy-

3 tardies per school year - notification sent home to parent  

6 tardies per school year - 1 day of OSS; suspension of parking pass for 1 month (if applicable); student placed on Probationary Status 

9 tardies per school year - student loses the privilege to attend the FAC, removed from the program at the end of the semester.

B. Late Work Policy: 

Major Grades: Accepted up to 3 days late

15 point deduction per day

Grade will become and remain a zero (0) after 3 days

Minor Grades, Homework/ Practice Journals:

Accepted up to 1 day late

15 point deduction per day

Grade will become and remain a zero (0) after 1 day

C. Missed Work Policy:

Students who miss classwork or tests due to illness or suspension have the opportunity to make up the work. Students will request make-up work through the teacher. Students have five school days to make up any work that was missed regardless of the reason for absence. Extended illness will be handled on an individual basis with the student’s illness and workload in mind.  

D.Academic Integrity Violation (Cheating, Plagiarism):

 First Offense

 ○ Parent notification ○ Grade of “0” on the assignment or assessment 

 ○ Referral entered into IMS

 ○ Home base HS notified 

 Second Offense

 ○ Same as the first offense, and the student is removed from the FAC at the end of the semester 

B. Classroom Rules and Expectations: 

Please be on time and ready to work at each class. Scheduling other activities during class time is NOT acceptable.  All Students must come to every class with their instrument and music. 


Students are expected to purchase the necessary books recommended by the instructor.  Music must be photocopied and in the 3-ring binder at the next class after it has been assigned. 

Practice: It is extremely important that you practice (warm-ups, technical exercises, and repertoire) 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week. 

Respecting your colleagues and instructors at all times is expected.  A judgment free zone is vital to growing as a musician. Please be supportive of each other. 

As with any arts class emphasizing skill acquisition, regular attendance is vital.  If you are sick, please contact me as soon as possible (24-hour notice is preferable) 

Student attendance at FAC concerts and other live events are strongly encouraged, as well as cultural events in the area. Announcements will be made about recommended performances and events. Supporting your fellow musicians will only make you a stronger musician. It will expand your musical palate and strengthen the music department as a whole. 


D. Assessment Information and Grading Scale: 

90 - 100    =  A -  Excellent

80 -   89    =  B - Above Average

70 -   79    =   C - Average

60 -   69    =  D - Below Average

0 -   59    =     F  - Failed to demonstrate minimum level of mastery

Student performance is graded using the mandated South Carolina state grading scale. Specific aspects of student progress that are subject to evaluation include... 


Report card grade calculation-- 

Minor 30% of Grade: Quizzes, Practice Journals, Homework 


Major 60% of Grade: Weekly Song Preparation 

                       Recital Grade 

                                  Major Jazz Projects 

Final Exam 1 10%

Final Exam:  2 10%

Final course grade = 1st semester (50%) + 2nd semester (50%).  


Plan for Routine Communication With Parents

parents are contacted promptly in the event of academic or disciplinary problems.  

 A log of parent phone calls and emails is maintained in Mr. Watson’s office. 


Jazz Performance 1A .pdf
Jazz Performance 1B Syllabus.docx