
eLearning Rules:

1.  Respect others at all times.

2.  Be responsible.

3.  Submit work on TIME.

4.  Submit ALL DIGITAL work to Google Classroom (no email/text).

5.  Read and Follow Directions slowly and fully for understanding.

6.  Be Patient with yourself, your parents/guardians/family, and your teacher.

7.  Email me for questions, comments, or need help.


1.  Remember, every day you will have something to complete and/or turn in. Doing so counts towards your daily class attendance. 

2.  Keep organized with your work. Do a day at a time.

3.  Directions are important.  Announcements are in the stream.

4. Work is always posted in the Google Classroom.  Example:  If you attend school on Mondays, then you can skip  that day's assignment that's posted in the Google Classroom.  You already did that during class time! 

Units of Instruction for eLearning:  

Basics of Music Theory and History

Sight Singing and Rhythm