Choral Attire-

(Please contact me through email or phone for any concerns or questions about the concert attire.  The nice thing is that you will be wearing this attire for all concerts/graduation.  At the end of your time at HHS, you can donate the outfit or leave contact info and I will relay the info to future choir members for resale.)

VIVA VOCE and UNA VOCE (1st and 2nd block)

We are in the process of changing the attire for the Honors Choir.  The cost will be $75 which will include shipping and ordering.   

Coming soon:

1st and 2nd block only are to review the flyer at the end of this page to know what will be purchased.  The QR code allows you to purchase through MySchoolBucks.  Attire will be purchased as a group to save on shipping and handling costs.  I will let you know when students will be measured for the outfits.  

Beginning Choir I- 4th Block----( You are allowed to purchase the outfit below if you would like, or follow the listed instructions for beginning choir only.)

****Students need to wear their black attire for the formal concerts.--

Guys need a black button up long sleeve shirt, black pants, black socks, and black dress shoes-no tennis shoes.  

Girls need a plain black short-sleeve dress that falls below the knee--the longer the better, black hose, and black dress shoes.  A black blouse and a black skirt are also acceptable.  Please girls---make sure that your dress is short sleeve---no halter tops, spaghetti straps, strapless----thank you so much!  We have to follow the dress code of the school. 


Students will wear chorus t-shirt (info to come home soon) and long blue jeans for informal concerts. 

The informal chorus t-shirt will need to be purchased by everyone.  It is a fundraiser also---so ask if anyone in the family would love to help support our choir!  More details to come.