Choral Content Information

Assignments-google classroom-Students will be required to use sight singing programs and other resources to help build the individual voice until we are allowed to sing together.  Students will be required to record themselves singing while using correct posture.  There will also be typed google assignments due throughout this time.  

Communication-email, gmail, Remind 101, Backpack----office hours will be posted soon


This gives me an opportunity to let you know how great it is to have your support here at Hillcrest High for the arts program.  The arts give the students such an avenue to demonstrate the talents that they have.  In this case, it is through chorus.

Grading Scale:

A            90-100

B            80-89

C            70-79

D            60-69

F            Below 60

Grading Procedures:

Participation/Posture/Daily/Quiz Grades = 40%

Performance/Tests    = 60%

Missed Work/Make-up Policy:

Students will need to be responsible for asking the teacher for missed assignments.  If any worksheets were handed out, the student will need to check the handout holder close to the door in my room.  It will include all of the handouts throughout the year.

**Chorus students will be required to complete a make-up assignment for concerts missed.  Concerts are mandatory since it is a performance class.  If a student misses a concert---a note is required from a parent to express the reason for missing the concert.  Please note that transportation/sporting events are not excused absences from a concert.  The dates are given so as to plan now for the concert time.  It is up to the director whether the absence is excused or not.  

Attendance and tardy policy are the same as stated in the agenda.

Rules for Behavior:

Be in class on time.

Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.  (Keep your mask on at all times)

Listen to instructions the first time given.

Do not use vulgar or offensive language.

Have all materials ready to go when class begins.

Raise your hand to talk or walk.

eLearning: (if needed)

Be respectful.

Stay muted until given permission

Check Google Gmail and Google Classroom Every Day

Contact Teacher if any questions

Attendance is taken by assignments completed for each day----completed and "turned in"

Discipline Action:

All of the teachers at Hillcrest High love our students and want them to be as successful as possible.  However, if a student behaves in a way that is disrespectful or disruptive of the learning environment, there are a specific set of steps that we will follow.

Units of Instruction 

Basics of Music Theory and History

Music Literacy-sight singing and rhythm