Art 6 Syllabus


To learn by working with peers, mentors, community members, experts, and technology/design tools to solve challenges, build several futures, and overcome impossibleness.

What is "impossibleness"?  It's the perception on the part of the masses that a thing cannot be done or cannot exist.  For the masses, this perception is reality.  For the student designers of an awesome Firebird Experience Theme Park, it is merely a challenge.


Our vision is to provide flexible learning experiences and environments to student artists and designers to help them recognize and develop opportunities, connections, partnerships and resources so that they can achieve academic, social-emotional, and economic success in a visual arts and design context by accessing and developing their creative core.

Visual Art and Design@Fisher is a place where:

1. Excellence is expected and fostered,

2. Collaboration is required,

3. Respect for others, their ideas and their work is required,

4. The strengths of participants is celebrated and employed by the group to develop ideas, partnerships, services, and products successfully.


Theme Park Attraction Ideation!


Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals and NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering to inspire Theme Park Attraction Design!