The Push

March 26, 2020

The Push A Climber's Journey of Endurance, Risk, and Going Beyond Limits

Tommy Caldwell

Most climbers have heard of Tommy Caldwell, one of America's most experienced and talented outdoor climbers; however, most don't know the intimate details of his younger days and family life, which he recalls at the beginning of this autobiographical narrative. Throughout the first half of the book, Tommy describes his upbringing and family life, which plays an integral role in his development as a climber. Tommy's father was a public teacher and mountain guide, and he pursued rock climbing as the sport developed in the US with his son by his side. As he continues to recount his youth in Colorado, Tommy explains how he eventually surpasses his father in the sport of climbing and first gets recognized by the climbing world when his father enters him into an impromptu competition. Tommy ends up beating all the professional climbers at the competition and is after immediately thrust into the limelight of the climbing world. The story progresses quickly after Tommy graduates from high school. Tommy continues to improve and strengthen as a climber, he meets a professional climber named Beth Rodden, they fall in love, they travel to Kyrgyzstan on a sponsored climbing trip, they get kidnapped by fighters of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Tommy murders one of the rebels (turns out the guy survived), they escape, and eventually, Beth and Tommy get married. In my current place of the book, Tommy and Beth are continuing to develop as professional climbers, but their relationship remains strained as Beth continues to be haunted by her kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan (Caldwell, 1-152).

This book has been an exceptional read so far. Tommy Caldwell demonstrates a unique and strong writing ability throughout The Push. Tommy explains how he was never a very good student early in the book, so it's incredible that he was able to accomplish such a well written work. Each chapter starts off with an italicized, first-person, present tense account of a climbing scenario or camping event. These events must stand out in Tommy's memory, and I believe they encapsulate the theme of each chapter. Tommy uses these opening scenes to romanticize certain memories and also provide a sense of realism for the reader; his descriptions in these sections either involve vivid imagery depicting nature or some realistic dialogue depicting a situation that most people can relate to. Tommy has certainly lived an incredible life filled with climbing and adventure. Not many climbers have suffered through some of the hardships that Tommy has, which makes his story so interesting and exciting. One of the most intense parts of the book was about his kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan while on assignment for The North Face. After days of being kidnapped and led through the Kyrgyzstan mountains by rebel militants, Tommy pushed a rebel off a cliff in order for him and his fellow climbers to make an escape. Tommy's descriptions and the chapters that cover this event are intense as he breaks down his emotions and describes each day in vivid detail. In addition to these intense and dramatic events, the work is filled with climbing history, and I look forward to learning more about this sport that I love while also being entertained and captivated by the climbing stories that Tommy has yet to tell.