The First Salute

July 4, 2018

The First Salute

Barbara W. Tuchman

This nonfiction text provides an interesting outlook on the American Revolution. Throughout this narrative history, Tuchman focuses heavily on the navies of Britain, France, the Dutch Republic, and America and the role that they played during the 17th and 18th centuries. Tuchman delves into the details on everything from the naval routes from Europe to the Americas to the naval battle strategies of the time. The title of the work, The First Salute, references the first time the continental navy was recognized by a foreign country, the Dutch Republic, at the trading island of St. Eustatius. According to Tuchman, this recognition and subsequent consistent contact and trade with the Dutch was key to America's ability to sustain the war effort against the British. While this trade provided the Continental Army with crucial munition supplies, it also enraged the British and led to strained relations and even war between the British and Dutch, a war that was detrimental to the British war against the colonies. As Tuchman explains throughout the book, there were many complicated factors that influenced the American Revolution in a number of ways that most people are not entirely familiar with (Tuchman).

A couple of days ago, I finished this epic book by Barbara Tuchman. This is easily one of the most complex and comprehensive books I've ever read. Tuchman is absolutely brilliant, and she provides a wonderfully full history and global context for the American Revolution. This book covers lots of details on the British, American, French, Spanish, and Dutch navies, and it also dives into the trade and politics of the time. It took me a little while to get into the book as the beginning provides a large amount of background information with tons of names and places that I had never heard of before. I think one of the reasons that I enjoyed reading this book so much is that I learned an incredible amount from reading it. Sure, I learned about the American Revolution and how it played out, but I also learned about geography, the Dutch Republic, naval warfare, and so much more.