How to request a Recommendation Letter

How can I get the best possible letters of recommendation?

A good letter of recommendation can mean the difference between acceptance to your first-choice school or your third-choice school. Asking someone to sing your praises is undoubtedly awkward, especially when that person is a mentor. But letters of recommendation are so common for school applications that it's likely your teacher has a stack of requests pending. So don't be shy about asking for a recommendation - just follow these guidelines to make the process easier on you and your teacher.

  • Select the teachers that you will ask for letters of recommendation carefully. These need to be teachers who have seen you perform outstanding work, and preferably teach the subjects that you will be pursuing.

  • Be prepared before you ask. The teacher will be much more willing to write a good recommendation if you make it easy for them. This means preparing a little bit before you ask anyone.

  • Give the teacher the information they need to provide specific examples of your achievement. Provide them with a brief resume of your activities and goals; a resume can provide the best overview of your high school involvement and contributions. It will also help if you provide the teacher with some information about yourself. This way, the recommendation will be more informed, personal, and detailed.

  • Give your teacher plenty of advance notice — at least three weeks, but preferably four to six weeks. Don't be shy. Teachers and counselors are usually happy to help you, as long as you respect their time constraints.

  • Provide the teacher with the recommendation information, that includes deadline information and any special instructions. Include any forms issued by the university that the teacher must fill out.

  • Hand your teacher the request package in person. On the application form, it is best to waive your right to view recommendation letters. This gives more credibility to the recommendation in the eyes of the college.

  • Once you’ve decided which college to attend, write thank-you notes to everyone who provided a recommendation and tell them where you've decided to go to college. Be sure to do this before you leave high school.