Backpack Blessings

What is the Backpack Blessings program all about?

The Pelham Road PTA created a food care package program that we call Backpack Blessings. Backpack Blessings provides weekly "kid friendly" nutritious care packages for our students who might benefit from extra food on the weekends and on holidays.

What kinds of food are included?

A typical package might contain oatmeal, cereal, crackers, dry goods, fruit, or granola bars.

How can my child receive a Backback Blessing?

It's simple. The program is TOTALLY FREE. Pelham Road sends home an application to students in the fall. If your circumstances have changed since then and you want to participate in this program, contact Kara Taylor at 355-7602.

How can I donate to help support the Backback Blessings program?

Anyone interested in helping provide food for the program should contact Kara Taylor at 355-7602. Some individuals or groups provide groceries once, some donate on a regular basis, and some donate monetarily. We appreciate donations from churches, apartment complexes, girl scout troops, or anyone who wants to contribute!