Welcome to third grade!

I am glad to be returning for my second year at Bethel, and I am so excited about getting to know each of you! I have taught 1st and 4th grades, but I have spent the most time (14 years) teaching 3rd grade. I am looking forward to continuing that journey with you.

Third grade is filled with lots of learning. Please know that I am here to support students and their families so that every child reaches his/her potential. Do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.

Let's get ready for a great year of growing and learning together!

                                     Ms. Vande Weghe (Ms. V.W.)

Email: dvandeweghe@greenville.k12.sc.us

School phone:  (864) 355-4100

Classroom phone:  (864) 355-4131

Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NTM3ODU2MTI1ODYz