International Relations

Our diverse student population includes students from over 25 different elementary schools and more than 20 different countries. Each year we take approximately one-third of the globe and learn about those countries as a school; at the end of a student’s three years at Beck, he or she will have (virtually) traveled around the world! Last year our focus was on Asia and Oceania; this year we will study The Americas; and next year, we will “travel” to Africa and Europe.

Our global studies culminate in a student-directed International Day Festival in March, which coincides with Greenville’s International Month. Students, along with their families, share the cultures of the countries they’ve studied throughout the year, including foods, traditions, and favorite pastimes. 

The 2024 International Day Festival will be held March 14, 2024!

As part of our international focus, students have the opportunity to take a Spanish course all three years. Beginning in the 7th grade, students can take Spanish for high school credit and may complete the first two years of study while in middle school.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.