Community Service

Community Service Hours Quarterly Submission Deadlines:

Quarter 1 Hours due October 11, 2023

Quarter 2 Hours due December 19, 2023

Quarter 3 Hours due March 14, 2024

Quarter 4 Hours due May 3, 2024

Service to others is an important aspect of global citizenship.  We encourage all of our students to take an active role in improving their community, both locally and globally. 

Community service is defined as engagement with the community in response to an authentic need and for which there is no compensation of any kind.

Service hour goals for all students are 4 hours per quarter, or 16 hours over the course of the school year. Students will earn a Dress Down Pass each quarter for logging 4 or more hours by the posted deadline.

Students will be acknowledged for logging 16 or more hours of Community Service in Leveled Year-End Service Awards:

*Click HERE for ideas as to where you might complete Volunteer Hours.

*Service Hours should be submitted using the Google Form HERE. 

**Service hours should be submitted following EACH activity completed. Please pay attention to quarterly deadlines for submitting hours.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.