So How Can Teachers Help?

As you all know, teaching is more than showing up each day, teaching context, and going home. Teaching means acting in the role of parents, counselors, disciplinarians, tutors, and more! It means spending many hours in meetings, calling parents, advising a club, creating lesson plans, grading papers, and much more. So when a student is facing mental health challenges, how do you fit that into a school day that is already jammed packed? Hopefully with the help from these resources, addressing mental health can become a little bit easier!

General Tips for Teachers

  • Educate yourself of mental health. This may include signs and symptoms on mental health diagnosis

  • Educate students on mental health

  • Offer a flexible classroom culture

  • Allow accommodations for students when necessary

  • Send healthy messages to students

  • Ask a student how they feel when you notice a change in behavior

  • Seek the help of school counselors or psychologists

  • Allow your students to discuss troubling events at school or in the community

  • Encourage students to verbally describe their emotions

  • Participate if your own self-care!

Helping with ADHD

This video offers specific ways to help students who might be diagnosed with ADHD.

Helping a Teen with Depression

Although this video is tailored towards parents, I think it can also be helpful for teachers or for staff working with teens!

Helping with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Other Helpful Resources for Teachers