What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is described as a feeling of worry, fear, or uneasiness. It can often cause someone to experience physical symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, stomach aches, or tension. While feeling anxious is a normal part of our lives, some stress can be persistent and excessive, leading to an anxiety disorder. When someone has an anxiety disorder, feelings of anxiety and worry begin to interfere with daily activities and are often difficult to control. Examples of anxiety disorders include:

  • generalized anxiety disorder

  • social anxiety disorder (social phobia),

  • specific phobias

  • separation anxiety disorder

It should be known that anxiety is often experienced at an early age and symptoms can be seen as early as childhood.

Recognizing Anxiety in the Classroom

If a student is struggling with anxiety, here are a few things you might see:

  • Emotional changes-uneasy, feeling on edge, irritability

  • Social changes- less engagement with friends/ peers, stop participating in school activities, isolation

  • Physical Changes- stomach aches, dizziness, change in diet, sweating, etc.

  • Sleep Disturbance- lack of sleep, nightmares

  • Poor Academic Performance- drop in grades, missed assignments, overwhelmed with assignments, procrastination

  • Panic Attacks-sweating, body tremors

  • School Refusal-avoidance, skipping classes, chronic absence

  • Tantrums- unpredictable behaviors

  • Obsession with Perfection-putting pressure on themselves

  • Accustomed to Assuming The Worst-focus on negatives