May Flowers

In this informative article, Tessa will talk about some common flowers that pop up in May.

May Flowers

By: Tessa Hager

May is finally here! The sun is finally coming out after months of almost no sun, and with the sun comes flowers blooming. While April showers felt never-ending, we’re finally getting our May flowers. Here are some flowers that are commonly seen in May and how you can tend to them.

Sweet Peas

Sweet Peas come in a variety of colors, including reds, navy blues, lavender, pinks, and white. There are annual and perennial types of sweet peas, which means that gardeners can decide if they want to commit to having them in their yard or garden every year. According to Almanac, a gardening site, “Early sowing is one of the secrets to growing sweet peas.” Despite their delicate appearance, sweet peas are quite resilient. They should be planted in very late winter or early spring.

Photo Credit: Wallpaper Flare
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons


Roses are classic flowers that almost everyone loves. They come in many different colors, they smell nice, and some even have different petal shapes. Roses grow on a bush and come back each year, which means they only need to be planted once and then need to be taken care of after that, but unless they are not well-cared for, they will not die off. According to Gardener’s World, “Most roses thrive in full sun.” Roses need to be planted somewhere that they will get all the sunlight they need, which means they can be planted somewhere people can look at them often.


Tulips are beautiful flowers that come in different colors and patterns. They are perennials, which means they will come back each year if properly cared for. However, American Meadows states, "But for all intents and purposes this isn't always the case. Most tulip lovers content themselves with treating it as an annual, re-planting again each fall.” Tulips come in every color except for blue.

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Gardenias come in a few different colors, such as red, pink, pale yellow, and white. White is the most common and popular color of gardenias. According to Southern Living Plants, “Gardenias perform best when they receive intense morning light and shade from the hot afternoon sun.” While they need sun just like most other flowers, gardenias need to be able to have shade as well. They should be planted somewhere that blocks the sun in the afternoon.

While April had its fair share of flowers, it did not have quite as much sun as we had hoped for. At least it is true what they say: April showers bring May flowers.