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Scholarships - for website
2023-2024 Engineering Scholarship - Flyer.pdf
2023-2024 Engineering Scholarship - Student Application Form.pdf

MCEA Civil Engineering Scholarship Opportunity

On behalf of the MCEA Scholarship Committee, the Minnesota County Engineers Association (MCEA) is excited to offer our annual Civil Engineering Scholarship opportunity for the 2023-2024 academic year.


Fill out the form online. Once they have filled in all applicable fields on the form, they can digitally sign the form and click on the “Email Joe MacPherson” button at the end of the application to finalize the submission.  Transcripts can be emailed, or mailed, directly to me as well.


The instructor recommendation form is 100% digital as well.  The applicant shall fill out Section I of the form and digitally sign it.  From here, the applicant shall forward the digital version (not a scanned or printed version) of the form to their instructor for completion of Section II.  The instructor can fill out the form digitally and then sign it digitally.  Once the instructor has completed their portion of the form and signed it electronically, they can submit the form to me by simply clicking on the “Email Joe MacPherson” button at the end of the recommendation form.


All forms must be received by October 25, 2023.  If the student or instructor have any problems or questions filling out either form, they can contact Joe MacPherson for assistance.

Brian K. Pogodzinski, P.E.

County Engineer

Houston County Dept of Transportation | 1124 E. Washington St. | Caledonia, MN  55921

O:  507-725-3925

This page will be kept updated throughout the year with more scholarship opportunities.