Sofia Tellez

The Biography of Sofia T

   It all started in St. Jude Hospital during the hot days of summer, on August 13 of 2008. It was a mere afternoon, at about 2:40 p.m. when the doctors rushed to retrieve the firstborn child of Nubia and Jacob. They gave her the name Sofia Magdalena. Soon enough, they introduced her into her simple Houston home. Three years after her birth, she was given a sister named Jimena Marie, and two years later, another sister was introduced to the world named Sarah Mariel. Although they get annoying, Sofia has learned to love her sisters and take care of them.  

During her years in school, Sofia has been able to excel in both conduct and academics. Throughout her years in public school, she has been able to accomplish winning the Spelling Bee in fourth grade. Being in the Gifted and Talented program and placing in UIL are some of her accomplishments as well. In 7th Grade, she was finally able to win 1st place in the UIL writing competition and earn Track MVP. 

Besides being busy with school, Sofia has always enjoyed art. Now in 8th grade, she looks forward to participating in all art competitions, though she may be a bit nervous. She also enjoys watching anime and listening to K-pop. On the other hand, Sofia has a wonderful talent for music. She has been playing the piano for quite some time and started playing the violin in the 5th grade. Although she stopped, she still thinks it's a wonderful instrument. She enjoys nature and loves animals. 

As Sofia continues to study at Woodland Acres Middle School, she hopes to pursue her career as an anesthesiologist. She is currently running for president and has some competition. Hopefully, she wins. She wants to go to a well-known college and keep up with her grades. Sofia hopes to pass all the eight-grade STAAR tests and work hard on her studies. Her life still continues to grow and so does she.