Technology Project Europe  

Pg 1.

Major Land forms

Italy has many mountains which covers most of Italy but, primarily due to the Alps in the North and an extension to the Alps and Apennine Mountains . Because of these major landforms almost 40% of Italy is mountainous . Which means these mountains make the landform Peninsula . 

Pg 2.       The trade barriers and trade corridors

Some trade barriers in Italy are the Alps because it has mountainous land which means it will be difficult to trade . People can also die going through mountainous areas because for example low oxygen going up higher in the mountains so it can be dangerous in many other ways but we are not talking about how you can die on mountains so moving on . So now we will talk about trade corridors , a corridor Italy has is the Mediterranean Sea because it is easier to get to the countries they need to get to and there are a little less risks than going on a mountains but weather is unpredictable so stay safe .

Pg 3.

     What are the top three resources and who does your country trade those resources with?


Trade Partner






The U.S.