Times Tables

It’s important to know your timetables because, if you don’t know your timetables it can slow you down when your doing adding and dividing for jobs or school. You can also lose your job which means less money for what you want and it might mean back to your parents house.


If you don’t know your timetables it can slow you down while your working. For example some jobs require multiplying or dividing and knowing your timetables can help save time instead of adding 2689 ten times and accidentally losing your number half way through. An example from a cite is “You need to be able to multiply when you are in an academic career or perhaps you want to become a chef.” So if you don’t have them memorized you might not be able to get the job you want and then have to go to that lame place across the street to get your house back. Memorizing your time tables can be helpful for daily life s well. It can help you with your calendar, dont believe me I found a site which states “Whether you need to work out the days of the week, the weeks in a month or the months in a year. You will multiply. It comes so easy and naturally that you don't even realize you are doing it and using it.”

As you can see using and memorizing your timestables can help you with many things like things you do daily ,or moving to that place in downtown, and paying the bills to even keep that place in downtown so you dont like with your siblings again and then share that small room. 

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