6th Grade Reflection

6th grade seems hard at first and maybe a little scary but it's actually not so bad. Sure everyone has their ups and downs but everyone has learned so much from this school year and made so many friends. I've learned and have made lots of improvements from last year and have met so many new people who are kind and always there for me. If I were to compare this year to any other year this would be the best year I've ever had in my life. I have had so much fun this year I don't want to leave for summer break because I don't get see any of my friends besides 5 till next school year. I have done so much that I was too afraid to do last year because of all the people I met. Now I am excited for next year but I don't want to leave what I have now just yet I'm still scared for next year but I feel more prepared or ready for next year unlike any other year I've had. I hope that every single year after year I will never forget about this school year that I've had.