About me collage

Hi my name is Jaslyn Romero I am 13 years old and this is all about me.

           One of my favorite book

                                                 By V.E Schwab 

                          I like word search 

Because it's fun and sometimes it can be challenging 

My favorite class at school is Encounter's it's really fun and I get to be with my friends.I also really like my teacher

                                                I really like school


                                                           My Favorite  Breakfast food

          Books make me feel Calm



I like bananas 

    I watch this show with my family 

                                                                       Monster Quest 

I like to run

It gets me tired in a good way and I like the track at school 

       I like to write stories 

I like to make horror stories  

               I paint sometimes 

                                 I like to paint but not to good :l

        I am 13 years old 

                                      I was born September 19,2009 

Skye is my dog he is very energetic 

          I'm not sure what breed he is but I like him anyways 

              Fennc's Fox

                          One of my favorite animal is a Fennc fox because of the big ears 

This is a type of Mexican Bread 

It is really good and pretty colorful my favorite is the white one 


It is a type of Mexican candy and it's really good

       My Favorite colors 

 My favorite colors are different shades of yellow 

Big Chungus-

I like looking at big chungus pictures ( they are funny)