All about Asonn G.

The first thing you have to know about me is that Im kind and honest,Im also generous and hard working.i have a talent for poetry and have won 3 consecutive times i have five i mean seven family members living with me right know inclouding my grandma.And by the way take care especially at these times!!

even though there extinct and might not live to this point they were once terorific giants that romed the earth and for me there awsome.

i really like dinosaurs and have actully beenwishing to bring them back it would be so cool to see one up close well not so close because they have strong jaws and some have armor and clubs like ankilosaurus some have thhahogamisers like stegosaurus and others have dome heads like pachy cephalosaurus some have benomous bites like troodon and dilophosaurus and others have giant claws wow the terror.

the games i mostly like to play is call of duty worldwar 2,minecraft dungeons,and pokemon sword and shield.

my favorite desert is without dought crapes mmm its just so yummy take a look!!!!!!

i like family and it makes up all the joy i have who in the world could live without a family.

animals are fascinating for me and have a big passion for them its one of the reasons i like science so much; for me they are unique beings that are unique in every way possible.

as yo migtt now among us is the best and most poplar game and as a result it is also my favorite game until another takes the throne away

one of my favorite foods are quich and pasta afredo

dont you just love being artistic i like to draw and im very good at it but i normally dont have time for it

i like to go to the beach and i normally ask my parents a lot i just love the feeling of water its just so refreshing.

every day i ...used to play,training and training with my favorite sport but that quarantine has started well i don't play it as usual as i used to but it is still my favorite sport and the spirit or what i feel for it will never leave my heart

i was in a soccer team once with my friends and before that i still played it at home and at church

now lets zoom in a little bit more,I love all this stuff because of science most of the stuff i want to be when i grow up is actually related with science

now my favorite time of the year is winter...and fall but mostly winter because the whole family joins together and well we have fun...a lot of fun.

scince the winter is my favorite station of the year well my favorite holiday is Christmas

my type of favrite pet i think is a dog but onl by one point scince they are super play full i just like playing with animals so much.

i like to sing its something i was made for and if i say it myself im actully pretty good.