

QFT - Question formulation technique

  1. Straight forward - it’s a step by step process where students formulate, work with and use their own questions to make connections about what they are learning.
  2. It provides an opportunity for students to think critically and Take risks.
  3. Students get to collaborate and learn from each other and support the learning of other.
  4. It’s Interdisciplinary - a QFT can be used across all streams and with any curriculum
  5. It ignites curiosity about your topic and often will engage even the most reluctant learners.
QFT Template #1

Start here, insert your topic or image prompt.

Break students in to groups of 2-3

Allow students time to formulate questions.

QFT Template #2

Template to help students transform questions from open to closed and;

closed questions to open questions.

QFT Priority Questions Research

Priority Question Organizer

Once questions are prioritized. Questions can then be sorted in this document by the student. Research can be added and progress monitored.



1. RightQuestion Institute. (2016, March 14 Date). Using the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) for Formative Assessment. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mox0WRGGk0Y


Types of Reactions

SNC2D/P: Chemistry

Types of Reactions - Review the slide for lesson idea and work sheet.

Borneo QFT


Climate Change - Review the slide this lesson is applicable to any Ecology/Climate investigation.