
We aim to inspire our students to learn through the adoption of Global Competencies.

The world in which today's students will live and work is fundamentally different from 10-20 years ago. As the 21st century unfolds, we are reexamining our understanding of economics, communication, cultural identity, citizenship, and the environment. There is an increasing need for more powerful and relevant learning experiences in response to these new demands and opportunities. - Rethink Secondary Learning


    • Stakeholder feedback identified a need
    • Research states that teacher effectiveness has the greatest impact on student learning (Hattie, 2008)
    • Students need to be successful in more than just reading, mathematics and science - they will need:
        • to be knowledgeable and curious about global issues,
        • to be attuned to diverse perspectives,
        • to be able to communicate ideas and rationale,
        • to critically think to solve complex problems,
        • to be inclined to act toward the common good.