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Thank-you to everyone who participated and contributed to the amazing QFT discussions. See below for information on #TryGlobal Challenge #2: Conversation Tracker Running Feb. 10 - Feb. 21st 2020.

TryGlobal QFT Video Final.mp4

#TryGlobal Challenge

Introduction to the TRYGLOBAL challenge.

Click the box below:

What is #TryGlobal?

The #TryGlobal Challenge is a new TVDSB Global initiative where the Global Competencies Team has put together a series of Teaching Strategies we will challenge you to implement throughout the 2019/2020 school year.

The "Why" and the "How to's" will be provided to you! All you have to do is take a risk, Give it a try and tell us about it!!

Our First Challenge Promotes Critical Thinking by encouraging students to ask questions!

Use the QFT Framework to encourage students ask questions and engage in their learning!