Learning Support
The Learning Support Room is open for academic support, learning strategy instruction and as a quiet spot to complete assignments and write tests for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Our Learning Support Teachers meet with students on a regular basis to review course progress and to discuss strategies to optimize academic success.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding your child's IEP, please consult our website or contact the Learning Support Office at 519-452-2620, x. 60344 or one of the LSTs listed below:
Learning Support Teachers
Mrs. J. Abraham j.abraham@tvdsb.ca
Mr. A. Dobaczewski andy.dobaczewski@tvdsb.ca
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are available for viewing on the Parent Portal. If you have questions on how to sign up for Parent Portal access, please call Mrs. J. Murphy at extension 60334.
In September, an email was sent home to all parents/guardians of students with an IEP inviting their input. If there are no changes at this time, please let us know by sending us an email.
If there are changes, or you have any questions about accommodations and supports, please contact us by telephone or email and we can set up a time for an in-person or telephone conference.
IEPs are sent home after the first 30 days of a new school year or term. When you receive a copy, please read through it and complete the IEP consultation form, sign, date and return to the Learning Support Teacher as soon as possible (within a week of the IEP going home).
Our school has two IEPs that are sent home each year- one in October and the other in March.
If you receive an updated educational, health, or psychological assessment for your child, please contact the Learning Support Teacher or your guidance counsellor. Alternatively, you may send a copy of the report to school with your child in order to have records properly updated.
Individual Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) meetings and waivers
If your child has a designated exceptionality, such as Giftedness, Learning Disability, Autism, Deaf and Hard of Hearing or Physical Disability, you will be asked to attend an IPRC meeting with the Learning Support Teacher, guidance counsellor, and school administration, in order to review your child's programming and placement at our school. If the student is aged 16 or over, he/she may also be invited to attend this meeting.
Every year, in order to keep IEPs active and current, an IPRC waiver form is sent home with the first IEP in October. Please complete, sign, date and return to the Learning Support Teacher as soon as possible.
The IPRC waiver states that parents and guardians can:
- waive the right to an IPRC, citing that the exceptionality and placement are still valid and that a meeting is not required.
- request a meeting to review the exceptionality and placement
IPRC meetings are typically held in the month of November, however, may be held anytime the need arises.
If your child is does not have a formal exceptionality, IPRC meetings are not required.
Post-secondary Transition for students on IEPs
When transitioning to a post-secondary institution, students should contact the accessibility office at the university or college to advocate for themselves and determine what supports can be put into place. This should be done well in advance of the September admission. Students may be asked to provide a copy of their IEP or any other pertinent paperwork.
Refer to the transition resource guide for more helpful information.