December News
Wow! It is hard to believe December is already here.
The class continues to work well together and we have settled into a nice routine. We are happy to have Miss Mathers in our class as a teacher candidate from Althouse College. She will be with us until December 20, 2024.
Tis the season for runny noses and coughing. We are really going through a lot of tissues. So we are in desperate need of tissues. We would greatly appreciate any donations.
Our concert is on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Our performance is at 2:15 p.m. Please wear something nice for the performance.
Shoebox Floats materials are due at school Monday, December 2, 2024
White Elephant Sale - Friday, December 6th. Donations will be accepted until Thursday, December 5th.
Traditions Fair on Tuesday, December 17th . Please send one traditional item to school with your child. A letter about the traditions fair will be sent home later and it will posted on the google classroom.
School food drive will start on Monday, December 2nd and will continue to December 13th. All donations will go to the London Food Bank.
Please remember to send extra mitts and socks to school everyday. The weather has resulted in some wet feet and hands so the extras will help keep hands and feet dry for the day.
Pajama week is Monday, December 16th to Friday, December 20th. Please feel free to wear your jammies or comfy clothes to school any day or everyday if you wish during the last week of school. We will be having a small party on Friday, December 20th Please check to see if you are on the list to see if you are supplying treats for the party. If you are on the list please send the items to school on Friday, December 20th.
In language, we are finishing up procedural writing. We are learning that sentences have one thought and we need to be specific when writing instructions. We have been discussing the importance of punctuation as well as sentences must start with a capital. We are learning the importance of nouns, verbs and adjectives in our sentences. We will begin our study on narrative witing and learning about the text features of narrative writing.
Our math focus is on patterning, adding and subtracting. We are learning different strategies on adding and subtracting numbers. We will be focusing on mental math strategies. We will continue to measurement in the form of time and reading time on a clock as well as area and perimieter.
In social studies, we are continuing to learn about changing families and traditionsin Grade 2 and life in early Canada in Grade 3. We have lots of fun activites planned for the month.
January Homework Bingo
Color the spaces as they are completed! There is no need to return anything to school; however, if
your child should complete a line or two on their Bingo card I would love to see it and celebrate with
night for a week.
Write a thank-
you note to
someone for a
Christmas gift
they gave you.
Deliver it.
Draw a picture
with lots of
details. Write a
story about it.
If you had $100,
what would you
Write about it.
If the alphabet
had value (a=1 cent,
b=2 cents, c=3
cents... z=26 cents)
find the value of
your whole name.
Write a new
ending for a
fictional story.
Build the tallest
snow structure
you can. Measure
how tall it is using
a ruler or other
Find as many
small words as
you can using the
letters in
New Year
Listen to a book
online at a site
like Storyline
Online, then retell
the story to a
Help a parent
ingredients for a
Write a poem with
your name:
S –
A –
M –
Use words or
sentences that begin
with the letters.
Choose any
Represent it as
many ways as
you can.
Read a story. Tell
a parent about
the setting
(where and when
the story takes
Find the longest
hallway in your
house. Measure
the length of it
using your shoe.
(It is _ shoes long.)
Write a list of
words that are
synonyms for the
word “BIG”.
Write a list of
words you can
use to describe
the snow.
Read a non-
fiction book. Tell
someone how the
pictures helped
you understand
the topic.
Write as many
words as you can
that begin with
the letters br.
Read a story.
Draw a picture of
your favorite
Color it.
Write a story
about being a
character in your
favorite video
See how many
different ways
you can use
coins to make
one dollar.
Look for words
you can read
around the
house. Keep a
tally of how many
you know.
During a shopping
trip, help a parent
with a purchase.
Find the value of
the coins in your
Retell a story
you heard your
teacher read at
Copyright © 2016 Erin Beattie – Mrs. Beattie’s Classroom