Early Literacy

Dear Parents,

Welcome to my virtual learning classroom. You will find here resources and lessons for your child's day to day learning.

Kindergarten Monthly Newsletter will contain information on letters and sounds planned for the month. We will be doing a number of pre-literacy activities in class, and (highly encourage the parents to do at home) which support Early Literacy in young learners. Some examples are: reading to your child, remaking of a picture-book, making grocery list with your child, looking at environmental print, playing games like "I spy" are some of the examples that will help your child build confidence and read independently sooner than later.

We will be learning sounds through Jolly Phonics Program. You will be updated about the sounds learned during the week and how to help your child in reading and writing.

Some good resources to check are Epic and Star fall. They have grade level books and children should be able to follow the directions given with the help of their parents.

Here are some resources that has books and other literacy resources.