Requirements for Graduation - All Students

The state of Ohio's graduation requirements have changed for the class of 2020 and have also changed for the class of 2023 and beyond. Students from the class of 2020-2022 may use their own set of requirements, or the new set of requirements for the class of 2023. Their website includes information on testing and curricular requirements needed to graduate. 

Website: http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Ohio-s-Graduation-Requirements

Ashland High School Community Service Seal Tracking Form 

​​In addition to core graduation requirements, you may be interested in the following. Be sure to meet with your school counselor regularly to make sure you are taking the correct classes if any of the following are a part of your high school goals:

Ohio Honors Diploma 

Ashland High School Valedictorian/Salutatorian Requirements