Primary – 3 Literacy

Grades Primary - 3 Literacy

Grade Primary - 1 Literacy

Play is an important way for children to explore and learn

Do one or two literacy ideas from any section each day. You can do these activities as many times as you like.

Reading #1 (10-15 Minutes)

Read and talk about the following message from Book Bunny.

Hello Friends,

It is spring! I am feeling happy today in my house. When I look out my window I can see a flower and a tree, a bird and a bee. I can see the sun and the sky, and a plane up high. What can you see outside your window?

Every day you can see something new. I hope they make you happy, too!


Book Bunny

Try the following phonics related activities:

  • Find the lowercase f, uppercase F, find the lowercase e, uppercase E (This is a good chance to talk about when you see uppercase and lowercase letters.)

  • Find the long word something. How many letters are in that word? What is the first letter? What is the last letter?

  • Clap, drum or tap the words: happy,(hap-py) window (win-dow), flower (flow-er), outside (out-side) something (some-thing) everyday (eve-ry-day)

  • Say outside, something. These words are compound words. Two words put together to make one word. Can you find another compound word in the message?

  • Say new/to. Say tree/bee. Say sky/my/high These words rhyme.

  • Say a rhyming word for house, sun, plane.

  • Find these words: can, see, look, the, and, you, am, up, my in today’s message.

  • Reread the following sentence- What can you see outside your window? How many words are in this sentence?

Telling and Making Stories #2 (10-15 minutes)

Look outside. Can you see a living thing? Close your eyes,what do you hear? ( a bird, grass, a tree, a worm, a dog, a cat, a deer etc)

  • Talk about the living things you see.

  • Use your senses to tell a story about a living thing: What does it look like? How does it move? What sounds does it make? Do you think it’s soft or prickly?

  • Play a game “I look, I see” something puffy and blue. (Like I Spy)

  • Tell a story connected to the land, the sky, water, the air, the animals or bugs that you see. (Land based)

Creating and Writing #3 (10-20 minutes)

Read the poem Bugs. This will be a model for your writing.


I look,

I see,

A ladybug flying at me!

I look,

I see,

A beetle crawling on me!

I look,

I see,

A worm squirming under me!

I look,

I see,

A cricket jumping on me!


Allison P.

After reading the poem “Bugs” a few times, try the following:

  • What words do you know in the poem “Bugs”? What new words do you see in the poem “Bugs”?

  • Go outside and explore. Look under rocks and fallen branches, look in rotting tree trunks and dirt. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you notice?

  • Draw or write the ending to “I look, I see”

  • Draw and write your own poem. You can use the same words as Bugs

I look, I see, ….. Remember to put spaces between words. Make sure you read your writing aloud.

bugs and works and ladybugs

USING WEEKLY FLYERS #4 (10-15 minutes)

  • Find and circle the letters that are in your name.

  • Name words that start with the first letter of your name? ( Amanda = an, and, also, again etc)

  • Look at the message from Book Bunny. Find some words from the message in the flyers. Circle these words.


Look at the letters in this big word . This is a compound word. Use the letters to make smaller words that you know from the letters. (Examples: me, in, car, fair)

M i n e c r a f t

magnetic letters all different colours


Encourage your child to talk by asking the following:

  • What if….

  • Why….

  • Tell me about…

  • Tell me more….

Sing songs as you play together. You can make up songs as well.

family watching movies


Dear Grade 2 friends, you can choose two or three activities to do every

day! These activities will help you practise your skills in English and

math. Also, here’s a little secret I will tell you: You can go check out activities

meant for other grades.

A message for you

Dear student,

I’m very glad you found me this week. I hope everything is going well.

It’s already the month of May. I wonder if you have noticed the changes

in the trees. In the spring, nature wakes up. Are you as excited as I am to

see the flowers? See you soon, we will chat again in two weeks!


Book Bunny'

• Find a word in my message of the day that rhymes with showers.

• Circle the words me, well, flowers and trees.

• Find a sentence that ends with an exclamation point.


During a meal, discuss a different theme every day:

• What you enjoyed doing during the day

• The changes you are noticing in nature

• Your favourite animal

• Your favourite book

• Your favourite game

*Don’t forget to think before you speak.

Reading Challenge

Choose a book you have already read. You can also choose a new book

if you want a challenge! Read for 15 minutes without stopping. Think

about what you know about this book. Every time you do this activity,

try to add two minutes to the time spent reading.

What do you see?

Look out the window and write down your observations.

What animals do you see? Do you see any people?

Can you see any buildings?

Describe everything you see. Here’s an example: From my window, I can see a tree. It is tall and pretty. I see a person walking and a child on a bicycle. The bicycle is blue.

What do you see?


• Write the word quickly three times.

• Write the word in a sentence.

• Draw the word.

• Write the word many times using different pencils.

scroll with the words, animal, because, family, flower, morning, reading, saturday, sixteen, spring, Tuesday


• Sing the rhyme.

• Draw the rhyme.

• Name words that rhyme with words that you see in the poem.

The first

The first put on his socks

The second put on his shoes

The third laced them

The fourth waxed them

And the fifth, he made them shine

And zoom…he ran away

We found his old shoes the next day!


All students in Grades 3 can participate in the following activities every day to strengthen their skills in Literacy.


Read what you have in your home (books, flyers, magazines).

When you are reading, think:

What is this about?

What have I learned?

What surprised me?

How do I feel after reading this?


You can use what you have at home for writing; paper, cardboard.

Writing can look different every day (sentences, a list or a picture with labels).

Where do writers get their ideas?

Something that happened.

Something you like.

Something that excites you.

Something that you wonder about.


How many words can you write in 5 minutes? Think of words you have learned in your classroom or words you use in your writing.

In addition, students in Grades 3 may choose to participate in 1-2 choice learning activities (15 minutes each) each day for literacy including:

The Snowshoe Hare

The snowshoe hare gets its name from its back paws. The snowshoe

hare’s paws work like snowshoes and keep it from sinking into the deep

snow. They have fur on their paws to keep them from freezing. Snowshoe

hares are nocturnal, so they're most likely to be seen at sunrise and

sunset and like to feed at night when it’s dark. In summer, they eat green

vegetation like dandelions, clover and wild strawberries. In winter, they

need to dig down through the snow to feed on flower buds, twigs and


The snowshoe hare can change the colour of its fur for protection from

foxes, coyotes and other hungry predators. Snowshoe hares shed their

fur twice a year. In late fall and winter, they are white to camouflage

with the snow and in spring and summer they are brown to camouflage

with dirt and rocks. The snowshoe hare can be found throughout Canada,

in every province and territory.


What is this text about?

What does the author want you to know?


What do you know about snowshoe hares?

What surprised you about this text?

What have you learned?


How did you feel reading this text?

Reading Response

Word Work

After reading The Snowshoe Hare look for words that have: 3-4 syllables, words that rhyme, frequently used words and compound words.

Word Challenge

Make as many different words as you can using the letters from snowshoe.

How many two, three and four letter words can you make?


If The Snowshoe Hare were a book what would the cover of the book look like?

Create an illustration (drawing) that would appear on the cover of your book.


Create your own piece of writing about snowshoe hares. You can write a fiction or nonfiction piece. Your writing can be a story, book, labelled picture or a list.


Create a 3 word poem for hares: noun, verb, adverb. A noun names a person, place or thing. (Hares). A verb names an action (hop). An adverb describes a verb (quickly).

Writing Response

The word Netukulimk is a traditional Mi’kmaq concept that honors the connection between the natural and human worlds, it focuses on the importance of taking what you need, not what you can.

Reflection Questions:

How can you practice Netukulimk?

The snowshoe hare (apli’kmuj) eats plants such as strawberries and dandelions.

How can we practice Netukulimk to help the snowshoe hare survive?

How could too many snowshoe hares (apli’kmujk) and no predators impact the environment?