Life Skills Planning

Learning Through Everyday Activities

Life Skills are important to help students engage with the world and to support independence. Below are fun activities to build these skills. Choose the option that best fits your child on any given day. Check out the Tic Tac Toe or try one or two activities from each list, every day. It is okay to repeat activities as often as you like!

Remember, try other activities in the flyer (any grade) to offer variety and challenge. Every activity builds many skills! Use your communication (word, drawing, gesture, device) and be ready to share with your teacher.

Setting Up The Day

Setting up your child’s day will help communicate your expectations and encourage independence. Below are two options to support you and your child to set up their day.

Use a To Do card

Use the To Do card below by listing each activity (or parts of activity) to complete.

  1. List activity in each box (use pictures or words)

  2. Check it off as you complete each task

  3. Celebrate with a rewarding item or activity

To Do card labled 1, 2, 3


Jot down the task in words or pictures in the ‘First’ box below (or cut the pictures in the Tic Tac Toe). When the task is completed, ‘Then’ celebrate with a rewarding item or activity.

First / then table.  First do this in box 1 and Then do this in box 2

Tic Tac Toe

Complete the activities to get a line in any direction. Repeat each day or see if you can fill the card! Once you get a line, celebrate with a rewarding item or activity!

Saltwire: See image attachment to place here (Tic Tac Toe)

tic tac toe choice board with chores, math, fun and leisure, literacy, math and free time

Chores (Daily Living Skills)

Let’s Eat - Help at Mealtime

  • Make a choice (choose between 2 or more food options)

  • Set table and get food (e.g. cereal into bowl, bread in toaster)

  • Make food (e.g. pour milk, wash berries, butter toast, cook eggs)

Look to build independence - try to do it on your own!

Laundry Toss and Wash

  • Sort the clothes into two piles (e.g light, dark).

  • Put sorted clothes in the washing machine.

  • Measure and pour in the laundry soap.

Dish Duty

  • Sort the knives, spoons and forks into the drawer.

  • Stack the measuring cups to save room.

  • After the dishes are dry, help put them away.

chores picture of blackboard with chalk

Fun & Leisure


  • Choose objects from around your home (e.g. dish pan, water bottle).

  • Make sounds with it! Can you shake it? Scrape it? Rub it? Tap it?

  • Make up your own song with your object sounds.

Creating - Time Capsule (Part One)

  • Get a container (e.g. empty cereal box, large jar).

  • Label it “COVID 19 Capsule.”

  • Decorate it.

  • Keep your capsule - there will be more to come!

Game Night

  • Choose a game (e.g. iSpy, cards, board game).

  • Ask someone to play with you.

  • Play the game and have fun.

  • Put game away.

A dice


Daily Window Conversation

  • Look out a window and talk to someone.

  • What do you see?

  • What is your address?

  • What is your phone number?

Daily Share Time

  • Read, listen or tell a story with someone.

  • Point to a specific picture.

  • Answer a Who, What, Where question.

  • Tell someone one thing that you liked about the book.

Letters A,B,C on chalkboard


Daily Cool Collections

Choose an item around your house (e.g. beads, cereal, collectable cards).

  • Put items in a container (e.g. bowl, bin).

  • Count items.

  • Sort items (e.g. by colors, shapes, texture, size).

  • Make groups (e.g. 5 items, 20 items).

The Dice Game

With a partner(s) play the dice game to practice adding and recognizing dot patterns.

  • With one die, take turns rolling. First player to say the number wins that round.

  • With two dice, take turns rolling. Add the total number of dots. Write down the sum (answer) on each turn. After 5 turns each, add your 5 totals. The player with the greatest sum (total) wins.

  • Roll two dice. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Write the difference (answer) for each turn. After 5 turns, add your numbers. The greatest sum (total) wins.

Grocery Flyers

  • Point to the grocery item you like.

  • Count grocery items per page or category (e.g. fruit, meats).

  • Create a grocery list with prices, or cut and paste items from the flyer.

  • Find items that are in more than one flyer. Compare prices that are greater or less.

numbers 1 - 9 on coloured background