Grades 4-6

Grades 4 - 6

All students in Grades 4-6 can participate in the following activities to strengthen their skills in both Literacy and Numeracy. Students are encouraged to spend 60 minutes (30 minutes for Literacy and 30 minutes for Numeracy) daily.

Read and Write every day.

Reading improves writing and writing improves reading.


  • Read all types of text (fiction, non-fiction, poetry), recipes, newspapers, magazines, food packaging (especially for directions), manuals, maps, etc.

  • Read silently and aloud or even together with a partner.

  • Remember to use the reading strategies you have been taught: make a connection or a picture of the text, predict what could happen, or create questions for the text.

  • Complete a writing/creating tasks from the Grade level Literacy choice activities.

  • Write, draw or talk about what you read/viewed. Retell, make a connection or a picture of the text, predict what could happen, or create questions for the text.

  • Write, draw or talk about the answers to the following: What did you do to become a better reader today? What did you learn?

  • Write/draw about the math activities.

  • Start a diary and write/draw/doodle about what happened to you or what you are thinking, feeling or wondering.


Multiplication Facts using the cards already made from last week, plus add 2 more cards with a 10 and for an extension you can add 2 more 11 and 12 cards.

Flip 2 cards from your deck of cards numbered 1 to 10 (or 11 or 12 if you choose) and multiply. Find the product in the grid. Draw a line between two of the dots surrounding that number. If you draw 1 X 1 then you get to draw One free line. If playing with a partner, once a player’s line forms a complete square they get to capture that square. The player with the most captured squares at the end of the game is the winner.

squares table with numbers