
Note to parents/guardians: Before viewing any internet link, it is strongly suggested that you ensure it is right for your child (for example, inappropriate pop-ups or ads). Though the links have been vetted for appropriate usage, sites may change their content over time.

Elise Gravel is a Quebecois illustrator and writer. She has written dozens of books but also offers free comic strips on her site on topics such as diversity, consent, gender stereotypes, tolerance, environmental protection, etc.

You can see more of her work at https://elisegravel.com/

< --- What might be written on this message from a bottle? (Gr. 9-12)


  • Ask your child to draw a picture or choose a picture from a family album or other. Your child can then write a description or an explanation of their picture using as many complete sentences as possible.

  • While reading French print on the packaging of grocery items such as cereal boxes and cans, ask your child to make a list of the familiar French words they see, as well as a list of the French words that look like English words.


  • Have your child write a postcard or greeting card to send to a friend. Your child may describe an activity that is being done at home, ask their friend questions about their activities and suggest ways that they can stay connected from home.

  • Ask your child to send an email or text to a friend. Encourage them to correspond back and forth as much as they can in French. Challenge them to use at least one French abbreviation https://www.thoughtco.com/how-totext-in-french-4086528 in their text.

  • Have your child identify and research a well-known Francophone (actor, singer, hockey player, visual artist, author…) and create an oral presentation, video, report or poster in French about the person.


  • Create a children's book in French

  • Keep a daily journal. Some possibilities are your likes and dislikes, current events, goals, etc.

Some activities adapted from the PEI Department of Education and Lifelong Learning
