International Baccalaureate Programme
Charles P. Allen High School
About the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is a two year, grades 11 and 12, comprehensive academic programme, giving students an internationally recognized education. The IB Programme originated in Europe in 1968 and was intended to establish a common curriculum and university entry credential for students moving from one country to another. There are currently over 3,072 schools in over 153 countries which offer the IB Diploma Programme. Charles P. Allen (CPA) was IB authorized in Spring 2007, with the support of the Halifax Regional Centre for Education (formerly Halifax Regional School Board) and the Education and Early Childhood Development department of Nova Scotia (formerly the Department of Education). In June 2019, CPA celebrated 10 IB graduating classes and we are looking forward to continued celebrations every June with our graduates.
The official IB Diploma Programme is two years, beginning in Grade 11. However, students considering entrance to the IB Diploma Programme are strongly suggested to enroll in CPA Pre-IB courses. There is a link above on this home page that explores this exciting opportunity. Taking CPA Pre-IB courses is not a requirement to enroll as an IB candidate. What is required is that a student be motivated to learn and be able to manage their time efficiently.
Students who take the IB Programme share the characteristics outlined in the IB Learner Profile (see link to the right). While it is an academic program, success in IB is the result of a commitment to learning and embracing challenges in the pursuit of a high quality education. There is an expectation that all students will develop essential connections to the community through unique opportunities for volunteerism, exploring one's creative side and an encouragement to remain physically active. This expectation begins the essential skill of portfolio building as a life long pursuit. The IB Programme at CPA can be tailored to a variety of students with the option to emphasize the arts (both fine arts and performing arts), languages, humanities and sciences.
The IB graduating class of 2019 were awarded over $975,000.00 in scholarships. There were 19 full diploma graduates in this cohort. This speaks to the value that post secondary institutions see in the qualities of the people that commit to the IB Programme. The CPA IB Program has been steadily growing since 2019. The upcoming 2022-2024 cohort is currently numbering 75 students. This increase is the cohort numbers is a direct result of CPA IB graduates experiencing great successes at the post secondary level.
97% of the CPA IB June 2022 graduating class successfully completed and were awarded their full IB diploma. 100% of the students were awarded their Nova Scotia Graduation Diploma.
The IB Programme offered at CPA is open access to all students. There are no entrance exams and there are no fees.
"The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right." IB Mission Statement 2019
Testimonial Highlight
...the teachers not only gave me an enhanced high school education, but taught me so many valuable life lessons, and above all else, how to be a good human. IB has helped me immensely in university ... and I am so grateful for the program.
CPA IB 2019 graduate
See link to the right for further testimonials.
Canadian Study comparing IB Full Diploma and non-IB students
International Baccalaureate Organization: Comparing university outcomes of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme graduates to their peers in Toronto and Vancouver, Canada
This is a Canadian study. The study compares students from the Toronto District School Board and the Greater Vancouver Regional District who were IB Full Diploma students and non-IB Diploma students. The study reviews the performance of these students who entered the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia. See the report summary and full document below.
The Importance of the Arts--Fostering Creativity
Information Sessions

CPA IB Information Evening
20 February 2019
Alyson Murray--Dalhousie University
Hear a university's perspective of an IB graduate.
Google Slides Presentation for June 2023