CPA International Baccalaureate Program


"We have physics all year first year, and I can see why a physics HL credit could have covered both courses. It is straight up what we learned in Physics HL, but applied with a lot less versatility and depth, along [with] certain topics that we didn’t learn on before. We are tested on mostly calculation problems where we simply put numbers in a formula instead of concept understanding ones like the ones from IB. " CPA IB Grad 2021

"I just wanted to say a quick thank you, to ... all the IB teachers at CPA. I’m nearing the end of first semester of university, and I am realizing just how lucky I was to be in IB, especially in a school where the program was run and taught so incredibly... the teachers not only gave me an enhanced high school education, but taught me so many valuable life lessons, and above all else, how to be a good human. IB has helped me immensely in university ..., and I am so grateful for the program. While it might’ve been stressful at the time, and we all know everyone complained every single day, I wouldn’t change the experience and the valuable lessons I gained from it for anything. All my classmates and I became a family over the two years, we celebrated the good moments, and supported each other when we were struggling. However, the teachers supported us the most. I took that for granted (especially now, being in a class with over 500 students), and I am so grateful for everything they did for us, whether it be re-explaining material to us over lunch, or just letting us cry in class when we needed to. Teachers can have a profound effect on the person you grow up to be, I know I would not currently be the person I am, and the person I am becoming, without ... all the IB teachers. I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am, and ... this comes from all my classmates too, as I know they feel the same..." CPA IB Grad 2019

...IB encouraged me to be more involved in my school and community as well as managing my time efficiently. I was involved in CPA’s Students’ council,, rugby team, and peer tutoring. With the high volume of workload that was given as well as the IB core requirements, it was important to develop effective study habits, while managing your time efficiently. Those skills stayed with me in my first year. Along with my studies, I was involved in my residence’s house council as well as the biology society in my first year. Currently, I’m a residence assistant (RA), a teaching assistant (TA) with the chemistry introductory labs, and part of the campus medical response team. It was the time management and study habits that I learned in IB which provided me with a head start my first year. The academic workload in first year was similar to high school. There was less of a readjustment than expected, therefore, I had more time to be socially active with my friends as well as getting involved in my school community. The IB core encourages students to be well-rounded both academically and socially and increase time management and study skills. Looking back, I believe it was the core component of IB that contributed to my student life at Acadia by providing me with those important skills for my first year. CPA IB Grad 2018

"I would not have survived IB if not for the great support resources I had available, and I know many other graduates in my year who would say the same. Teachers would always go above and beyond to help us not just with our academics, but with issues in our personal lives. The guidance counsellors were super helpful and made sure we felt supported at all times during IB, knowing how stressful it can be. I can really say that the CPA staff is one of the best secondary school staffs in the country because you all really care about the students as individuals and I 100% think the guidance team at CPA was effective in supporting us as students throughout the difficulties of IB. " CPA IB Grad, 2016

"IB was the best decision I have made in my life to date, I do not regret it for a minute. The program provided me with the skills and thinking I needed for university, which is the path I chose, and the discipline it taught me has prepared me and helped me to handle the stress of university much better. (though it is not nearly as stressful as IB) Not only do I feel confident academically, the friendships I made with my peers and the relationships I built with my teachers are ones I will have for a long long time. Being a pretty mediocre student I truly believe IB is possible for anyone, and would recommend it fully to everybody who is interested." – CPA IB Grad, 2011

"I am having a blast, fine arts is proving to be a TON of work but I honestly can’t imagine being in any other program. I’m so glad I followed my heart in this decision, I feel if I was in any other program I would be very unhappy at this point in time. I must say, as much as I hated IB sometimes, I am feeling prepared for uni life so I am glad I struggled through it. Even if not in the actual work but just managing my time and stress, I am prepared." – CPA IB Grad, 2011

"I’m very happy that my daughter decided to do the IB program. She has become much more engaged in her education and is benefiting from a tight-knit group of IB students and respectful IB teachers. I have no doubt that she’ll start university on a much stronger footing as a result of the IB program." – CPA IB Parent

"Like many parents who have been through IB there have been moments I have watched my kids struggle but I did receive the call 2 weeks after my son started university and heard the magic phrase – I am so happy I did IB – university is so much easier for me. Even yesterday he (2nd yr now) brought it up again as it pertained to the volume of reading this year." – CPA IB Parent