CPA International Baccalaureate Programme


How Do I Enter the IB Programme?

Grade 9 students start the registration process in January of their Grade 9 year. As part of the registration process, information sessions for students and parents will be held to describe the both the IB Diploma and Grade 10 CPA Pre-IB programmes to our incoming students. A student who wishes to enrol in the Grade 10 CPA Pre-IB Programme will complete the CPA Pre-IB course selection form. These forms are available from their junior high guidance counsellor if a student is currently attending a CPA feeder school. For students who are not coming from one of the feeder schools, the CPA Pre-IB registration form will be given to them after formally registering at CPA.

Click below to see the CPA PreIB 10 Parent Presentation

Gr 10 Pre-IB Parent Info session Sept 2021

Click below to see the IB 11 Parent Presentation

Grade 11 Parent info session 2021 September

Click below to see the IB 12 Parent Presentation

Grade 12 Parent info session 23 Sept 2021