Provincial Cell Phone Policy

Provincial Directive on Cell Phone Use in Schools 

Nova Scotia is implementing a new Provincial Directive on Cell Phone Use in Schools to create  an optimal educational environment at all grade levels that maximizes student learning, safety,  and positive social interactions. This directive aims to reduce distractions and the potential for  cyberbullying and inappropriate use of technology, creating school environments where children  

and youth can thrive. This Policy and Information Release is intended to support the Provincial  Code of Conduct Policy and provide direction and clarification related to the use of personal cell  phones in schools.  


Beginning September 2024, all public schools in Nova Scotia will ensure that access to personal  cell phones during the school day adheres to the following expectations: 

• Every student, PP–12, will have their personal cell phones turned off and stored during  instructional time. 

Students in grades PP–6 will turn off and store their cell phones for the entire school day,  including non-instructional times. 

Students in grades 7–12 may be permitted to use their cell phones during non-instructional  times (between classes, recess, lunch, afterschool activities) as determined by the school.  

Students in grades 7–12 may also be permitted to use their cell phones when directed by the  teacher as part of a planned learning experience. 

• Cell phones are not permitted in washrooms and/or change rooms at any time.

Exceptions may be made to address students’ individual needs (medical or ability) when  determined in consultation with Student Planning Team, which includes parents/caregivers.

Teachers and support staff will reinforce these expectations by modelling behaviour and not  using personal cell phones during class for non-work-related reasons.  

Restricted access to social media sites on wifi networks will continue. 

In accordance with section 39(2)(e) of the Education Act, principals can direct a student to  surrender their phone if not complying with expectations and will follow the Provincial School  Code of Conduct Policy when addressing non-compliance. 

Principals will work closely with staff and the School Advisory Council to develop an  implementation plan specific to their school. 

Principals will ensure that school specific expectations are communicated in advance of, and  throughout, the school year.