Volunteer Expectations


Needs to be completed and received prior to volunteering

AVRSB Administrative Procedure AP 305.14 states:

In order to ensure the safety of students, all volunteers in the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board need to be approved. A volunteer is defined as an individual who interacts with students in an environment that is not supervised at all times by Annapolis Valley Regional School Board staff. A volunteer includes, but is not limited to, a coach, advisors for extra-curricular activities, a driver, chaperones for trips and social events, or a regular classroom/school helper. It does not include visitors to the school.

Expectations for Volunteers

The Annapolis Valley Regional School Board values the participation of volunteers in its schools and encourages participation and partnership in the school community. To promote a positive working relationship between the principal, staff and volunteers in the school, it is essential the role, responsibilities and expectations for volunteers are clearly defined and communicated. The Annapolis Valley Regional School Board believes that, for the protection of students, all volunteers must comply with Board policies and administrative procedures. A key priority is to have volunteers who are competent and enhance the delivery of programs and services to students in a safe environment.

Please review the following guidelines which outline some general responsibilities. Your specific responsibilities will be defined by the Principal or her/his designate.

  1. Volunteers can assist greatly in enhancing student learning and broadening the programs offered by the school. It is critical that all school staff and volunteers work positively, cooperatively and professionally.

  2. Volunteers are expected to communicate regularly with the relevant administrator or staff member. Volunteers are expected to take questions, concerns, and suggestions to the relevant administrator or staff member.

  3. The school staff fulfills specific roles and is responsible for student learning and discipline. Volunteers are required to refer problems with student behaviour to the relevant administrator or staff member.

  4. Volunteers are expected to respect the privacy of the students and are required to maintain confidentiality.

  5. Volunteers have a duty to abide with Board policies and procedures and volunteers need to be aware that school staff has a responsibility to report, to the principal, any volunteer behaviour deemed to be inappropriate or pose a risk to student and staff safety.

  6. All volunteers are to sign in at the school office upon arrival and wear an access badge while at the school. This badge must be returned to the office at the end of each visit and the volunteer is to sign out prior to departure.

  7. Volunteers must provide a completed "Child Abuse Register ‑ Request of Search" approval letter and a Criminal Records Check, including Vulnerable Sector Check, prior to commencement. These screening tools must be updated every 3 years.

  8. It is the responsibility of any Board volunteer, after having completed the screening process, to contact the Principal or the Director of Human Resources should they be subject to an investigation or conviction under the Criminal Code of Canada.

Attached forms: