Travel Guidelines


When traveling for games, please note the following procedure.

  1. Please advise the Athletic Director via e-mail of all trips that require students to be dismissed during the school day prior to 8:30 am on the day of the trip. The Athletic Director will e-mail staff and place an announcement on the morning announcements.

  2. Parents and/or chaperones driving other students must have COMPLETED THE VOLUNTEER GUIDELINES (Child Abuse Registry Form, Criminal Record Check and Volunteer Application Form).

  3. Prior to departing school…

        1. Load Manifest Form

            • A Load Manifest Form needs to be completed, including parents driving their own children. This form will also be used for attendance purposes.

            • A copy of the Load Manifest Form must be copied for each driver who is transporting students other than their own child.

            • The original Load Manifest Form needs to be left in the office.

        2. Form J

            • Each driver needs to complete a Form J (Drivers need to have completed the volunteer forms in the volunteer Expectation section). The original will be filed in the office. A copy needs to be kept in the vehicle. This form only needs to be completed once a year unless there is a vehicle change.

  4. Traveling outside of the province, the following must be completed prior to planning the trip.

        1. Application for Out of Province Proposed Trip which needs to be submitted to the principal for approval

        2. NSSAF Sanction Form to be signed by the principal and submitted to NSSAF. A copy given to the athletic director and principal upon approval from the NSSAF.

Attached Forms: