Financial Procedures


Annapolis Valley Regional School Board policy requires any money collected on behalf of a school team must be deposited in a school account. Individual, outside chequing accounts are PROHIBITED. This includes, but not limited to, all fundraising income, gate/admission income, and tournament fees. Action will be taken if a private account is discovered.

All finances for sports teams are handled through Student Government and not the school secretary.

Senior High Sport Teams: Athletic fees are to be paid to the coach or team manager. The coach/team manager will issue a receipt to athlete when payment is received. If a parent wishes to come to the school to make the payment directly, they should be made aware of the times the athletic directors are available, keeping in mind that they cannot be interrupted during class time and the school secretary cannot issue a receipt. The coach/advisor will submit the money with a deposit form and a copy of the receipt to the Student Government Advisor. They should schedule an appointment time with the advisor. See deposit guidelines below.

Middle School Sport Teams: Athletic fees are to be paid to the Middle School Athletic Director. The athletic director will issue a receipt to the athlete when payment is received. If a parent wishes to come to the school to make the payment directly, they should be made aware of the times the athletic directors are available, keeping in mind that they cannot be interrupted during class time and the school secretary cannot issue a receipt. The athletic director will submit the money with a deposit form to student government. See deposit guidelines below. The athletic director will deposit the money with the Student Government Advisor.

Please note the following guidelines from the AVRSB regarding reimbursements:

Expense Reimbursements for Non-Employees (eg. Coaches and Volunteers)

Please note that the following conditions must be met for any expense claim received to qualify for reimbursement:

      • Original itemized receipts including any HST charged must be attached for all expenses (fuel, food, hotel, etc.) -credit card or bank statements/slips are not sufficient. If individual claiming reimbursement is a AVRSB employee they can not claim any reward programs ie Airmiles, PC Points, etc. If rewards are shown on receipt, reimbursement will be denied.

      • If company or individual being reimbursed does not have an HST number, the payment must be treated as an honorarium. Individual name, address, phone number and SIN number must be on the receipt. Payment will be made through the school board.

      • If reimbursement is requested for fuel receipts, in lieu of a per kilometer reimbursement, you must show the “to” and “from” location along with the kilometers travelled – we use this information to verify that it was less expensive to reimburse via a fuel receipt, than it would have been to reimburse at the Board’s per kilometer rate. If reimbursing via fuel receipt, need one receipt showing tank was filled prior to leaving for trip and a second receipt showing tank being filled upon return. The second receipt will be the amount reimbursed.

      • Hotels should be booked by individuals organizing the event and it should be requested that an invoice be sent to the school for direct payment in advance of your sporting event. Any additional charges can be charged to a credit card if necessary.

      • Reimbursement requests should be submitted on a monthly basis. Board Policy states that claims are expected to be submitted no later than 60 days after the date the expense was incurred.

If all of the above conditions are not met, the school will return the claim for additional requirements to be filled.

Board employees submit their claims on-line using MY AVRSB. If receipts are required, a claim is submitted to Regional Office.

Requesting Cheques:

Please allow at least three days for a cheque to be written.

Please complete the student government cheque request form which includes:

      • Date of the request

      • Name of individual/business the cheque is payable to and an address if the cheque is to be mailed

      • The category from which the funds are to be taken from (ie Sr Boys Basketball)

      • The name and signature of the individual requesting the payment

      • The amount to be paid (If amount is over $1,000 procurement procedures need to be followed PRIOR to purchase…this includes travel such as buses and hotels).

      • Original receipts and/or invoices (debit or credit card transaction receipts will not be accepted) with HST# must be attached, no exceptions. Please refer to expense reimbursement guidelines above.

This form can be left in the office or given to the athletic director.

Cheque Request Form

Deposit Process:

Do not leave deposits in the office. Deposits must be counted and verify at the school by the recipient with the depositor present. Please contact the Student Government advisor or the financial school secretary to arrange a time to come to the school to make your deposit.

      • When funds are brought to the office or to the Student Government Advisor, the following must be included:

      • The date the funds are submitted to the office

      • The category to which the funds are to be deposited to

      • The breakdown of cash denominations

      • The breakdown of cheques received (make sure there are no post-dated cheques. NSF cheques returned due to post-dated cheque being deposited early will be charged to the team).

      • The total being deposited

      • Counted and signed by the athletic director (middle school) or student government advisor (high school)

      • A receipt of deposit will be given to the depositor upon submission to the student government advisor.

Deposit Form


If an individual or corporation requires a TAX RECEIPT, the donation needs to go to the school board. Please request cheque to be payable to the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board noting which team the donation is for and give to the financial secretary in the school office. The secretary will forward this request to the board office requesting a tax receipt be issued and for a transfer back to the school for the donation. This process can take up to three months.

Note: If a corporation’s name is placed in a tournament brochure or is for an ad or for a sign to be used during a tournament, any money received will not be considered a donation, and therefore will not qualify for a tax receipt.


The cost of running athletic programs is becoming increasingly higher. Maintaining equipment, uniforms, and schedules for our teams puts stress on the finances of our school each year. Athletes are asked to pay user fees for the teams they play on, and we try our hardest to keep these fees at a minimum.

As a result of these financial increases, the replacement of uniforms and equipment requires that teams raise additional funds to contribute to the total cost. That means potentially soliciting our school community for funds, and you can imagine how the school community feels when approached several times in a year.

To try to help control this solicitation, we are implementing some fundraising guidelines for our athletic teams at Central Kings.

      • Teams may choose to solicit the community for funds that will be used for team uniforms and equipment (things that will remain as part of the school inventory for several years). Ideas within this category could include ticket sales, cash donations, etc. (things that ask for money without ensuring that a service is provided).

      • If teams wish to purchase additional items (sweaters, jackets, t-shirts, warm-ups, etc.) that will be kept by the players, it is expected that each team member will BUY their own items. If the team decides to earn money to go toward these items, it must involve working to receive the money (picking drops, serving at a community supper, etc.)

      • All fundraisers must be pre-approved by school administration, by completing the Request for Fundraising Event form (included in this section)

Fundraising Request Form

Attached Forms: