
Research > Other Merits

  • Guest Editor of the Special Issue of: ORP3-OR for young researchers and practitioners, en la revista Annals of Operations Research, 2011.

  • Responsable of Research Group FQM-355: OREL: Resources optimization, Statistic, Transportation and Logistic.

  • Member of the European Group of Locational Analysis (EWGLA). Since 1995.

  • Organizer of the International Meeting: ORP^3 “the OR Peripatetic Post-Graduate Programme” (EURO).

  • Member of Organizing Committees:

  1. International Conference of Statistical on Enviornmental studies. Cádiz, November 2001.

  2. International Symposium on Locational Decisions (ISOLDE X). Sevilla-Isla Antilla, June 2005.

  3. Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems. Sevilla, January 2011.

  4. Conference of Mathematics on Consulting for companies and institutions, i-MATH 2008-2011. Sevilla, April de 2011.

  5. Exploratory workshop on locational analysis: Trends on Theory and Applications” Seville (Spain), 28-30 November 2011.

  6. International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems. X Anniversary of the Spanish Location Network (MTM2010-12053-E)”. Torremolinos (Málaga), Spain, June 19-21, 2013.

  • Member of Scientific Committees:

  1. ICORES 2012, International Conference on Operations Research. Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. 4-6 February, 2012.

  2. International Conference on Statistical on Environmental Studies, EMA’03. Salamanca, September 2003.

  • Referee: TOP, Annals of Operations Research, Studies in Location Analysis, Epsilon, Computers and Operational Research, OR Spetrum, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Discrete Optimization.