

1. Education

  • 1998 Doctor in Mathematics in the University of Seville.

  • 1994 Mathematics Degree in the University of Seville.

2. PhD Thesis

  • Advances on the Single-Facility Continuous Location Problem. University of Seville, Spain. November, 1998. Qualification: Excellence, Cum Laude. Supervisor: J. Puerto.

3. Academics positions:


  • Full Professor (Catedrático de Universidad): 2016-

  • Accreditation/habilitation for full professor: June 2012.

  • Associated Professor (Titular de Universidad): 2002-2015.

  • Associated Professor (Titular de Escuela Universitaria): 1998-2002.

  • Assistant Professor: 1994-1998.


  • Coordinator of Practicum in Companies of Mathematics Degree. 2001-2013.

  • Director of Secretary of Research and Technology Development Vice-rector of University of Cádiz. 2007-2011.

  • Dean of Science Faculty: 01/06/2007-24/06/2007.

  • Coordinator of the European Credit Pilot Experiences in the Mathematics Degree of Cadiz University 2005-2007.

  • Vice-dean of Science Faculty: 08/07/2003-31/05/2007.

  • Secretary and coordinator of Evaluation Committee of the Quality for the Mathematics Degree, 2004.

4. Related with Teaching:


  • The commission Quality Assessment certified that the quality of teaching of Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía was EXCELLENT (maximum score), which have evaluated the dimensions of Planning Teaching, Teaching Development, outcomes and Innovation and Improvement, 2010.

Teaching Expertise (degree and master’s degree):

  • Statistic and Operations Research courses in degrees of: Mathematics, Sea Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Naval Engineering, Computer Science and Biotechnology. 1994-2016.

  • Continuous and Networks Optimization courses in Master’s degree and Doctoral Courses: Master’s degree in port management and logistics, 2011-2016. Master’s degree in Mathematics (Quality Mention MCD2006.00142 by Spanish Ministry of Science and Education) Universities of Almería, Cádiz, Granada, Jaén and Málaga, 2007-2016. Doct. Course on Data Analysis and Modeling, 2005-2006. Doctoral Course on Astronomy, Geodesy and Geophysics, 2004-2005. Doctoral Course on Mathematics, Statistics and Astronomy, 2001-2002. Doct. Course on Mathematics and Statistic, 2000-2001. Doctoral Course on Statistic and Operations Research, 1999-2000.