
Publications > Papers

  1. I. Espejo, R. Páez, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Minimum Cost b-Matching Pro- blems with Neighborhoods. Computational Optimization and Applications, 83:525-553, 2022.

  2. Stefano Benati, Justo Puerto, Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía, Francisco Temprano. A Mathe- matical Programming approach to Overlapping community detection. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 602, 127628, 2022.

  3. Bouzaine A., Muñoz-Ocaña. J.M., Rodríguez-Chia A.M.., Hungría A.B., Calvino J.J., López- Haro M. Quantitative Evaluation of Supported Catalysts Key Properties from Electron Tomography Studies: Assessing Accuracy Using Material-realistic 3D- Models. Topics in Catalysis, 65:859-870, 2022.

  4. Marta Baldomero-Naranjo, Joerg Kalcsics, Alfredo Marín, Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía. Up- grading edges in the Maximal Covering Location Problem. European Journal of Ope- rational Research, 303:14?36, 2022.

  5. J.J. Calvino, M. López-Haro, J.M. Muñoz-Ocaña, J. Puerto, and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Seg- mentation of Scanning-Transmission Electron Microscopy Images using Ordered Median Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 302(2): 671-687, 2022.

  6. G. Erdogan, M. Battarra, Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía. The Hub Location and Pricing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, por aparecer, 2021.

  7. A. Marín, L.I. Martínez-Merino, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. The soft-margin Support Vector Machine with ordered weighted average. Knowledge-Based Systems, 237, 107705 (2022).

  8. S. Benati, D. Ponce, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. A Branch-and-price procedure for clustering data that are graph connected. European Journal of Operational Research, 297(3):817-830, 2022.

  9. M. Baldomero, L.I. Martínez-Merino, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. A robust SVM-based approach with feature selection and outliers detection for classification problems. Expert Systems With Applications, 178 (2021) 115017.

  10. M. Baldomero, J. Kalcsics, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Minmax Regret Maximal Covering Location Problems with Edge Demands Computers & Operations Research, 130, 105181 (2021).

  11. I. Espejo, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. A comparative study of different formulations for the Capacitated Discrete Ordered Median Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 125, 105067 (2021).

  12. M.A. Pozo, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. The Ordered Median Tree of Hubs Location Problem. TOP, 29:78-105, 2021.

  13. J.M. Muñoz-Ocaña, A. Bouziane, F. Sakina, R.T. Baker, A.B. Hungría, J.J. Calvino, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, M. Lopez-Haro. Optimization of STEM-HAADF electron tomography reconstructions by parameter selection in compressed sensing Total Variation Minimization-based algorithms. Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 37(6):2000070, 2020.

  14. L. Escudero, J.F. Monge, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. On pricing-based equilibrium for network expansion planning. A multi-period bilevel approach under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 287:262–279, 2020.

  15. M. Baldomero, L.I. Martínez-Merino, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Tightening big Ms in Integer Programming Formulations for Support Vector Machines with Ramp Loss. European Journal of Operational Research, 286:84-100, 2020

  16. V. Blanco, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. On l_p-Support Vector Machines and Multidimensional Kernels. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 21:1-29, 2020.

  17. M. Albareda-Sambola, L.I. Martínez-Merino, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. The stratified p-center problem. Computers and Operations Research, 108:213-225, 2019.

  18. M. Albareda-Sambola, A. Marín, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Reformulated Acyclic Partitioning for rail-rail containers transshipment. European Journal of Operational Research, 277:153-165, 2019.

  19. M. Labbé, L.I. Martínez-Merino, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Feature Selection in Support Vector Machine. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 261:276-304, 2019.

  20. A. Marín, L.I. Martínez-Merino, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, F. Saldanha da Gama. Multi-period Stochastic Covering Location Problems: modeling framework and solution approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 268:432-449, 2018.

  21. M. Gaudioso, E. Gorgone, M. Labbé and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Lagrangian relaxation for SVM feature selection. Computers & Operations Research, 87:137-145, 2017.

  22. L.I. Martínez-Merino, M. Albareda-Sambola, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. The probabilistic p-center problem: Planning service for potential customers. European Journal of Operational Research , 262:509-520, 2017.

  23. S. Benati, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Clustering data that are graph connected. European Journal of Operational Research , 261:43-53, 2017.

  24. J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, A. Tamir. Revisiting k-sum Optimization. Mathematical Programming , 165(2):579?604, 2017.

  25. M. Labbé, A. Marín, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Lexicographical order in Integer Programming. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics , 45:459-476, 2017.

  26. G. Erdogan, G. Laporte, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for the Hamiltonian p-Median Problem. European Journal of Operational Research , 253:280-289, 2016.

  27. J. Puerto, A.B. Ramos, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, C. Sánchez-Gil. Ordered median hub location problems with capacity constraints. Transportation Research Part C., 70:142-156, 2016.

  28. I. Espejo, A. Marín, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Capacitated p-center problem with failure foresight. European Journal of Operational Research, 247:229-244, 2015.

  29. J. Kalcsics, S. Nickel, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Several 2-facility location problems on networks with equity objectives. Networks, 65(1):1-9, 2015.

  30. J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, A. Tamir. An overview of ORP3-OR for young researchers and practitioners. Annals of Operations Research, 222:1-3, 2014.

  31. J. Kalcsics, S. Nickel, M. Pozo, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. The multi-criteria p-facility median location problem on networks. European Journal of Operational Research, 235:484-493, 2014.

  32. J. Puerto, A. Ramos, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. A specialized branch & bound & cut for single-allocation ordered median hub location problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161:2624-2646, 2013.

  33. A. Corberán, I. Plana, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, J.M. Sanchis. A branch-and-cut algorithm for the maximum benefit Chinese postman problem. Mathematical Programming,141:21-48, 2013.

  34. C. Valero, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, I. Espejo. Accelerating convergence in minisum location problem with lp norms. Computers and Operations Research, 40: 2770-2785, 2013.

  35. M.C. López-de-los-Mozos, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Robust Mean Absolute Deviation Problems on Networks with Linear Vertex Weights. Networks, Vol. 61(1), 76-85 (2013).

  36. E. Fernández, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. On Discrete Optimization with Ordering. Annals of Operations Research, 207: 83-96, 2013.

  37. M. Landete, J.F. Monge, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Alternative formulations for the Set Packing Problem and their application to the Winner Determination Problem. Annals of Operations Research, 207: 137-160, 2013.

  38. A.M. Rodríguez-Chía and C. Valero. On the global convergence of a generalized iterative procedure for the minisum location problem with lp distances for p > 2. Mathematical Programming, Vol 137 (2013), 477-502

  39. I. Espejo, A. Marín, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Closest assignment constraints in discrete location problems. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 219 (2012), 49-58.

  40. L.F. Escudero, M. Landete and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Stochastic Set Packing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 211 (2011), 232-240.

  41. I. Espejo and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Simultaneous location of a service facility and a rapid transit line. Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 38 (2011), 525-538.

  42. J. Puerto, A. Ramos and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Single-Allocation Ordered Median Hub Location Problems. Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 38 (2011), 559-570.

  43. J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. On the structure of the solution set for the single facility location problem with average distances. Mathematical Programming , (2011) 128:373-401.

  44. A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, I. Espejo and Z. Drezner. On solving the planar $k$-centrum problem with Euclidean distances. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 207 (2010), 1169-1186.

  45. J. Kalcsics, S. Nickel, J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. The Ordered Capacitated Facility Location Problem. TOP, Vol. 18, (2010) 203-222.

  46. J. Kalcsics, S. Nickel, J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Distribution Systems Design With Role Dependent Objectives. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 202, (2010) 491-501.

  47. J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía and A. Tamir. On the Planar Piecewise Quadratic 1-Center Problem. Algorithmica, 57: 252-283 (2010).

  48. I. Espejo, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía and C. Valero. Convex Ordered Median Problem with lp norms. Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 36, (2009) 2250-2262.

  49. I. Espejo, A. Marín, J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. A comparison of formulations and solution methods for the Minimum-Envy Location Problem.Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 36 (2009), 1966-1981.

  50. J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía and A. Tamir. Minimax Regret Single Facility Ordered Median Location Problems on Networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 21, N. 1 (2009) 77-87.

  51. C. Valero, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía and I.Espejo. The single facility location problem with average-distances. TOP, Volume 16 Number 1 (2008) Page 164 – 194.

  52. J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Quasiconvex Constrained Multicriteria Continuous Location Problems: Structure of Nondominated Solution Sets. Computers and Operations Research, 35 (2008) 750-765.

  53. Matthias Ehrgott, J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Primal-Dual Simplex Method for Multiobjective Linear Programming. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 134, No. 3 (2007) 483-497.

  54. J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, A. Tamir and D. Pérez. The Bi-Criteria Doubly Weighted Center-Median Path Problem On A Tree. Networks, Vol. 47, No. 4 (2006) 237-247.

  55. J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. New models for locating a moving service facility.Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Vol. 63, No. 1 (2006) 31-51.

  56. A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, J. Puerto, D. Pérez, and J.A. Moreno. The p-Facility Ordered Median Problem on Networks. TOP, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2005) 105-126.

  57. A. Tamir, J. Puerto, J.A. Mesa and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Conditional Location of Path and Tree Shaped Facilities on Trees. Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 56 (2005) 50-75.

  58. J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. On the Exponential Cardinality of FDS for the Ordered p-Median Problem. Operations Research Letters, Vol. 33 (2005) 641-651.

  59. S. Nickel, J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía and A. Weissler. Multicriteria Planar Ordered Median Problems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 126, No. 3 (2005) 657-683.

  60. J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Modelos de localización continua. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, No. 29 (2004) 89-132.

  61. S. Nickel, J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. An approach to location models involving sets as existing facilities. Mathematics of Operations Research. Vol. 28, No. 4 (2003) 693-715.

  62. J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Robust Positioning of Service Units. Stochastic Models. Vol. 19, Issue 1. (2003) 125-147.

  63. A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, J. Puerto and F.R. Fernández. A Multicriteria Competitive Markov Decision Process. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. Vol. 55, Issue 3. (2002) 359-369.

  64. A.M. Rodríguez-Chía and J. Puerto. Geometrical description of the Weakly efficient solution set for multicriteria location problem. Annals of Operations Research. Vol 111, (2002) 181-196.

  65. F.R. Fernández, S. Nickel, J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Robustness in the Pareto-solutions for the multi-criteria minisum location problem. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Vol 10, Issue 4. (2001) 191-203.

  66. A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, S. Nickel, J. Puerto, and F.R. Fernández. A flexible approach to location problems. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. Vol 51, Issue 1. (2000) 69-90.

  67. J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Location of a moving service facility.Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. Vol 49, Issue 3. (1999) 373-393.

  68. J. Puerto, A.M. Rodríguez-Chía, and F. Fernández-Palacín. Ordered Weber problem with attraction and repulsion. Studies in Location Analysis. Issue 11 (1997) 127-141.

  69. F. Fernández-Palacín, J. Puerto and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. A maxmin location problem with nonconvex feasible region. Journal of the Operational Research Society, n. 48 (1997) 479-489.

  70. E. Carrizosa and A.M. Rodríguez-Chía. Weber problems with alternative transportantion system. European Journal of Operational Research,n. 97 (1997) 87-93.